Moving Organizations Forward

Teamwork / Moving Forward – Key West Race Week 2012
We help organizations build the skills and capacity to achieve their goals. Do you need to:
- Deliver more products or better services at lower cost?
- Find innovative ways to fund your nonprofit enterprise for greater social impact?
- Generate sales leads or donor prospects?
- Influence customers or donors to engage with your organization?
We can help you define your business problems, goals and strategy. We build solutions that respond to your team’s challenges. These solutions are designed to improve your results now and give your team the capacity to move forward in the future.
Creative Solutions
Lynn Post leads marketing services for The Post Group, drawing on years of leadership experience in marketing and writing for tech companies, small businesses and nonprofits. We can evaluate your audience and develop messaging, content and programs to inform and influence your constituents.
Technology Solutions
Mark Post leads operations services, and draws on over 30 years of experience delivering IT solutions and managing business operations for organizations large and small. Technology has evolved greatly such that today, even small organizations can develop powerful operational capabilities. The Post Group can bring accounting, direct mail, email marketing, customer or donor database management and business systems solutions to you at a fraction of what they cost in the past.